2022 in Retrospect

As 2022 draws to a close, I want to reflect on this year:



Like, no matter what else happened, that is the highlight. I published a 150K-word epic fantasy novel which currently has a 4.8/5 star average on Amazon and 4.45/5 average on Goodreads which is NOTORIOUS for having haters. My book rocks and my readers agree.


-I finished a second book

Oh sure, MoLaB is currently with my editors and it’s not exactly FINISHED, but I got it drafted and self-edited and I am in LOVE with it. It’s significantly longer than MoKaM, currently at 216K words, but I adore every one of them.


-I’ve continued my daily writing habit

A million thanks to Anny Born for that one, for keeping me accountable and helping with my topic. It’s largely thanks to that topic that I finished MoLaB this year AND have gotten 66K words into my next wip


-I discovered a new cast of characters who mean everything to me

For years, I had an idea in my head to write a cozy alchemist story featuring two characters named Eggy and Basil. In February, I set down and figured out what their book truly was. Where in the Pentagonal Dominion’s timeline did it exist? I was confused about it at first because it was a cozy story during a tumultuous time, so I had to think about it, channel those characters… and when I did, holy crap did it change everything. I learned about the Bad Company, the Good Thyme Inn, Shallot and Grilled and all my new companions in my mind palace. I love them. I love these mfs more than you can imagine. They aren’t just characters to me, but people living in my head who demanded I stop what I was doing so I could write their story NOW. And I am. The world needs their story sooner rather than later.


-I changed my work schedule for the better

I rearranged my schedule at the blood bank so I work 3 nights a week. It’s still full time, so I get benefits, and I’m getting paid enough to live comfortably. I absolutely fucking love the situation I’m in. Sure, it’s work, and my dream job would truly be “write all day”, but since we live in this capitalistic hellhole, I might as well count my blessings.


-I established frequent social chats with friends

After losing my ex-best friend in 2021, I was adrift for a bit. I missed playing games and watching anime with people. Thankfully, Valerie Storm and Akernis have filled those spots and I am eternally grateful for their love and friendship. I ALSO have something planned with Jess Moon and Valerie Storm, but the details of that are under wraps for now. It will be something we present publicly, so keep your eyes and ears posted.


-I touched grass

I need to do this more, to be honest. I’ve been an absolute recluse, but last year I took steps to get out more. I went to a park, I joined a gym. I hope next year is even better on those fronts.


-I’ve listened to some great podcasts

Some of my favorites include The Dollop and their new series The Past Times, Our Fake History, Maintenance Phase, You’re Wrong About, Last Podcast on the Left, Wheel Takes, and Hardcore History


-Played some video games/visual novels that I greatly enjoyed

Highlights from this year include the absolutely incredible Disco Elysium which is a contender for the best game I’ve ever played. Also very much enjoyed Rune Factory 5, Mount and Blade Bannerlord, Fatal Twelve, The House in Fata Morgana (still playing), Spellcaster University, Academagia (played years ago, revisited it this year), and Kynseed


And some not so great things:

-my body has gotten older and more fucked

I find as I age that I’m unable to do a lot of the things I used to do. My feet hurt more often. I can’t bend in ways I used to. My vision has deteriorated. I gained some weight which I’m trying to fight off with exercise while also fighting my internalized fatphobia. I understand it’s okay for me to be this weight and I *am* healthy, but when my size literally makes putting on socks difficult, I need a change.


-my ability to focus on reading tanks

I read very few books this year. I had started a system for me to read every Saturday, but I found it difficult to focus when I was forcing myself. Even when I enjoy a book, and I only read books I enjoy, it was hard to just fucking read. I cut back on it, allowing myself to read when I felt like it, which meant I didn’t read often. I am not sure what 2023 will have in store for me. I really want to read my friends’ books, but it’s so hard when my brain read a sentence and immediately starts thinking about my own work instead.


Taking My Time


Footnotes in Fantasy and Sci-Fi