


Coming soon

  • Gods — The Decatheon, the Elemental Spirits, the Ten Gods of the Pentagonal Dominion. Those who died while holding an Elemental Core and apotheosized into the ruler of their core’s element. Their blood is imbued with magical power based on their element.

  • Demigods and Drinkers — Those who have been chosen by a God to consume their blood and who have been granted magical powers. Demigods are deceased individuals who operate in Spiritua and can be summoned by mortals through rituals. They have a specific sphere of influence—a trait they embody—and professionally work for the God who grants them power. Drinkers are mortals who are gifted a God’s elemental blood for whatever purpose that God desires—sometimes to provide the world with magic-users of their element, sometimes to go on a quest, and sometimes just for the God’s amusement.

  • Godbloods — The offspring of Gods, down to three generations. Children are half-Spirits, grandchildren are quarter-Spirits, and great-grandchildren are octant-Spirits. Each God has their own philosophy regarding children, and not all Gods have children whereas some have many.

  • Clearbloods — The ‘regular’ people who inhabit the Pentagonal Dominion, so named because their blood is as clear as water. They make up the vast majority of the population.

  • Demons — Those who have been born into the Evil element by being born from Ayuthiel’s Crucible, or the offspring of a demon regardless of elemental affinity.